Tomodachi Life Word Chain

Tomodachi Collection
13 Trivia

Tomodachi is a series of simulation games by Nintendo. The series first started in 2009 when Tomodachi Collection was released for the Nintendo DS in Japan. The second game, titled Tomodachi Collection: New Life in Japan, and the first one to receive an international release, as Tomodachi Life, was released for the Nintendo 3DS.

In the Japanese version of Tomodachi Life, the Age-o-matic item worked differently, as it only temporarily turned a child Mii into an adult Mii. It is only permanent when used on child couples or mixed adult and child couples who want to marry, and the effect gets immediately cancelled when they divorce.
In the International versions of the game, this was changed so that the effect becomes permanent when used. Because of this, the Kid-o-matic item was created exclusively for the international versions as a way to reverse the effects of the Age-o-matic. (and allowing adult Miis to become children)
When a Mii gets a letter from someone asking them to go to the roof, one of the things that the Mii in disguise says is 'Our Princess is in another castle.', a clear reference to Super Mario Bros.
As Miis are able to play a Wii U, sounds from the Wii U games Nintendo Land and Game & Wario can be heard.
After the controversy involving the inability to have same gender relationships in 'Tomodachi Life', Nintendo later responded by saying that if the game were to get a sequel, same-sex relationships will most likely be included.

Tomodachi Life Word Chain Free

In the Japanese version of 'Tomodachi Life', between 8:00 pm and 12:00 pm, a married couple can sometimes be seen taking a bath together in their bathroom, sometimes with their child. This scene was removed from all localized versions of the game.
In the original Japanese release, the daily donations are collected in a wooden box, whereas in the western versions they're collected in a silver piggy bank.

Tomodachi Life Word Chain

##Nintendo## made a commercial using Tomodachi Life's Concert Hall feature to celebrate the announcement of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask coming to 3DS.
In the Japanese release there is an event that can be seen at the Fountain called 'Shiritori', in which a category will be chosen at the beginning of the game, such as general word association or food association. Two Miis will then come up with words which begins with the final kana of the previous word, and if either Mii repeats a word that has already been said, they will automatically lose.
The North American version of the game replaces this event with one called 'Rap Battle', in which two Miis try to insult each other in rhymes until one of them cannot come up with a rhyme.
The European versions not only contain the 'Rap Battle' event, but also an English version of the 'Shiritori' event called ' Word Chain', where instead of coming up with words that begins with the final kana of the previous word, two Miis have to come up with words that begin with the letter that the previous word ended with.
The Plane (Nintendo 3DS Image Share) and the Observation Tower were created exclusively for the International release of the game, with the Observation Tower serving the role originally used by the Mii Apartments rooftop in the Japanese release.

Tomodachi Life Word Chain Game

The shop keepers that run the various shops have different appearances depending on the regional version of the game. The Japanese version of the game features shop keepers with Kabuki stage hand (Kuroko) masks, in the American version they have wooden block heads, in the European versions they have robot heads, and in the Korean version they are wearing a yellow racing helmet.
The music that plays in the Café area are the songs that Miis can learn in the Japan-only Nintendo DS installment 'Tomodachi Collection'. In the Japanese version of the game, lyrics (taken directly from 'Tomodachi Collection') can be heard during each song. In the international versions of the game, the instrumentals for each song were kept, but lyrics were removed.
Before the game was released internationally, many international players thought that a patch in the Japanese version fixed a glitch that had unintentionally made gay marriages possible for Miis, causing fans to complain about this feature being removed, while in actuality, Nintendo was simply fixing a data transfer issue that corrupted save data and prevented people from progressing after they transferred Mii characters from the Japan-only Nintendo DS installment 'Tomodachi Collection'.
Gay marriages are able to be performed in Tomodachi Life due to the ability to create Miis that have the appearance of Miis of the opposite gender. While many have complained of the inability to have same gender relationships in Tomodachi Life, Nintendo has refrained from including the feature, explaining that the game is not to be looked at as though it is a 'simulation' of real life.
In the Japanese version of the game, there are only 6 genres of music that Miis can sing: Rock & Roll, Pop, Enka (Japanese traditional song), Opera, Heavy Metal and Rap. The International versions of the game removed the Enka genre while and adding 3 more: Ballad, Techno and Musical.
Tomodachi Life
Your Friends. Your Drama. Your Life.
Genre:Life Simulation
Platforms:Nintendo 3DS
Release Date:2013 (Japan)

2014 (Worldwide)

Developer:Nintendo SPD
Previous Game:Tomodachi Collection
Next Game:N/A

Tomodachi Life is a life simulation video game developed by Nintendo SPD and published by Nintendo, and was put for the Nintendo 3DS.

Why It Rocks

Tomodachi Life Word Chain
  1. The game lets you make Miis and make them live in an apartment in a hotel on an island. The idea of it seems interesting. You can also feed your Mii, dress them, give them interiors, and even dye the Mii's hair. It's more of a simpler version of The Sims.
  2. Spawned Jeff's Tomodachi Life Blog.
  3. The graphics are good, even by 3DS standards.
  4. It also can have relationships such as friendship (or best friend), sweethearts, and even better, marraige.
  5. Speaking of marraige, the married couple can have a baby and grow up to be either a resident or a StreetPass traveler.
  6. You can even watch your Mii's dreams, which is pretty funny.
  7. For the first time ever, your Miis get to speak in full English and other languages.
  8. You can give your Miis gifts such as a Wii U or a punching bag. You can either give them a song, interior, or a catchphrase.
  9. You can even make your own lyrics for your Mii, so your Mii will actualy sing the lyrics.
  10. Great soundtrack.
  11. When you feed your Mii, they have a food reaction. They go from blasting to outer space from melting in a puddle.
  12. The dreams the Miis have are very funny.
  13. If it's your birthday, the Miis will send you to one of the apartments and give you a birthday cake. If it's another Mii's birthday, it'll be on the news rather than a generic everyday news report.
  14. Fun events and minigames like Morning Market, Magic Show, Tomodachi Quest, Word Chain (EU version only), Rap Battle, Judgement Bay, Quirky Questions, etc.

Bad Qualities

  1. Some glitches. (Example: When a Mii is yanking something fast on a normal fight, the hand can go off the item for a couple of frames for several times. You wouldn’t know that without taking pictures.)
  2. Fighting. Almost every day, Miis get into fights, while sometimes they forgive each other the first time, they will not be over it, leading the Mii who apologized to become depressed. This can get extremely annoying. However, the Mii will forgive him/her later on sometimes. It's worsened that they can also get into a huge fight, causing 2 Miis to be on fire. Sometimes, if you are unlucky, when the Mii will try to get the 2 flaming Miis to calm down, it doesn't work and they will continue to throw things and each other and break up and not forgive each other ever again.
  3. Curing a Mii's depression (especially when their bar is full) is annoying and very difficult. Fortunately, if you have a travel ticket, you can give it to them and when they come back, their depression is fully cured.
  4. Taking care of the baby is also annoying and very difficult as they constantly cry.
  5. The Miis don't pronounce some words correctly (Examples: 'Echidna' is pronounced 'E-chid-na' instead of 'E-kid-na', and 'Memes' is pronounced 'mehms' instead of 'meems'.).
  6. Someone the Miis' gift reactions don't mix (Examples: Giving a Mario Mii spaghetti and not liking it or giving a chef-related Mii a chef uniform and heavily disliking it.).
  7. Extremely difficult to get SpotPass and StreetPass items nowadays.
  8. The animation in the Miis’ movements are kind of terrible and stiff at times.
  9. Can only hold up to 100 Miis.
  10. Just like Miitopia, it can only have one save profile. If you wanna create a new profile, you have to delete the current profile.
  11. There are only 7 food slots, so sometimes, or most of the time, when you feed your Mii more than 3 items that they like, (excluding the Super All-Time Fav / All-Time Fav bar) or when they don’t like it that much-don’t like it at all, it’s hard to tell what type of food your Mii likes since there is no Disliked Foods bar.


Tomodachi Life has received generally positive reviews. It holds a 72% on Metacritic, an 8.4 on IGN, and a 7.5 on Polygon. It is one of the best-selling 3DS games of all time.

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