Tomodachi Life Enemies

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Mar 04, 2020 Back on Ninjago Island, I add in a new female Mii and I unlock a lot of new features because of that including a machine where I can test friendships and relationships.


Developer: Nintendo EPD
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Released internationally: July 28, 2017
Released in JP: December 8, 2016

This game has unused animations.
This game has unused areas.
This game has unused objects.

This article has just been started and needs the articlebasics added.
Help us out and add them.
To do:
There are many files that haven't been checked yet. Find out how to open the files and look through them. Try to access the unused areas, convert and upload the unused sounds, and find a way to open CFSD files. Also, check the European and American versions for any changed around or removed content.
  • Is there an video that is in the demo?
  • Cover the demo.

Miitopia is kind of like Tomodachi Quest from Tomodachi Life, but as a full game.

  • 1Unused Areas
  • 2Unused Animations
  • 3Enemies
    • 3.1Clones
    • 3.2Oddities

Unused Areas

Unused Maps

Inside cmn/param/maps is a SARC archive containing five CSV files which has the test map data. They test forks in the road, triggering events, and finding treasure.

Unused Battle Arena

Inside cmn/h3d/bg/Battle is a dummy battle area which is only a blue background without any effects. It appears to be located in New Lumos.

Unused Animations


The Darker Lord

The darker lord has two unused animations inside the SARC cmnh3denemyEnSatanB.bch.szs they’re called EnSatanB_Calldm & EnSatanB_Powerdm respectively


To do:
Keep on scanning for any clones or more. District bosses either use default colors, or their heads are darkened.

Miitopia, just like your average RPG, has a huge list of enemies.



The Cerberus, Griffin, and Retroputer have clones of their default coloration. These 3 were were most likely going to receive their own coloration and feature as alternate, stronger versions of the original enemy.


To do:
Are there any more duplicates?

3 Slimes, 2 Cobras, a Golem, 2 Butterflies, 3 Rocks, 5 Imps are mentioned in enemy.msbt, but don't have any unique name.


Few enemies have things that aren't seen in game.

Dark Lord's Visor

Tomodachi Life Emulator


There is a separate Dark Lord model that has a strange visor in front of his face, but it doesn't share any animations. It uses the shadow texture, for some reason. The model entirely could have been a scrapped version.


Cute smile, gorgeous eyes.

The models and faces of enemies are kept separate. Every enemy has a dummy facial texture, but it's left blank. However, the Rock Moth's dummy mouth is not blank; it has smiling mouth. The Poison Butterfly has brown, feminine eyes looking to its right. Because neither enemies in game have those features, there's no need to make the parts blank. The game simply doesn't show them.

Dummy Miis

Inside cmn/storedata folder are 7 dummy Mii data files in a .CFSD file format. Here are what just a few look like. From left to right: DummyBasic.cfsd, Dummy00.cfsd, and Dummy02.cfsd.

If you'd like a .zip containing QR codes and images of all of these Miis, download it here: File:QR codes - Miitopia Dummy (861 KB).

Internal Name

Miitopia is referred to as 'mimic' internally.

The Tomodachi series
Nintendo DSTomodachi Collection
Nintendo 3DSTomodachi Life
Related Games
Nintendo 3DSMiitopia

Tomodachi Life Enemies Download

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