Tomodachi Life Zozo

Tomodachi Life. 83,784 likes. Benvenuto sulla pagina Facebook ufficiale di Tomodachi Life per l'Italia! Sections of this page. Accessibility Help. As requested by Angelsepticeye on YouTube, here are some of the Tomodachi Life QR codes. These include Yandere Dev, Bijuu Mike, Yan-chan and Senpai, the Basu sisters, Osana, Budo, Info-chan, and Midori. Use them as you wish, but do not claim to have created them yourself. Cuz then you’re a liar.

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Nope, this is not the page to post quotes about obvious lies. There are no quotes here, none at all.

Anime and Manga
Rider: Um, I have this 'Airhead' as a skill...
Shinji: Liar! Your status page isn't even updated!!
Shirogane: There's no need to study for exams. There should be no problems if you're studying right along. Last-minute cramming is absurd. You'll just wreck your health.
Narrator: That was a lie. This young man has even taken a leave of absence from his part-time job so he could stay up studying in the ten nights before the test.
Kaguya: That's a good point. Tests are a reflection of your own abilities. Even if you push yourself hard and get a decent score, that doesn't predict the future. The best thing to do is take it in a relaxed manner.
Narrator: That was a lie. This young lady is taking the finals extremely seriously.
Ishigami: I'm studying hard for finals this time around. Well, I'm going home to study.
Narrator: That was a lie. This young man only wants to continue playing the video game he bought recently. He has the nerve to buy a game right before exams.
Kaguya: And the amount you study won't necessarily translate into higher scores. Not studying is indeed a viable choice.
Narrator: Lies.
Shirogane: That's right. Instead of studying, in the days before a test, I just sit cross-legged and focus on the subject.
Narrator: Lies.
Fujiwara: I see. Understood. I won't study!
Narrator: She's serious.
Comic Books
Linda Danvers: Then why'd you tell me you were at Symphony Hall when you talked to me on the phone that day?
Philip: D-did I...?
Linda: If you're going to lie, at least try to be consistent!
Forgive my manners, captain. Allow me to introduce myself: my name is Scorpius... and I am here to serve you.
Fan Works
Light: No one is listening to you, Ryuk.
Sayu: What does 'Ryuk' mean?
Light: Uh, It's my new name for you. It means Ke$ha in Japanese.
Film - Animated
Logan, I think we lost him!
Deadpool, as The Incredible Hulk is three feet behind them, Hulk Vs Wolverine
Mrs. Teasdale: Your Excellency, I thought you'd left!
Chicolini: Oh no, I no leave.
Mrs. Teasdale: But I saw you with my own eyes!
Chicolini: Well, who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?
Quill: You look like Mary Poppins!
Yondu: Is he cool?
Quill: ...Hell yeah, he's cool.
Yondu: I'm Marry Poppins, y'all!
You have nice manners for a thief, and a LIAR!
Mook: It's fine. Everything's under control...
Frank: Under control? You're grabbing a fucking bazooka, dumbass!
She... she gets serious nightmares.
Paulie caught entangled with her girlfriend by a roommate, Lost and Delirious
I love democracy.
— Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Attack of the Clones
Don't run! We are your friends!
— The Martians while blasting everything in sight with laser guns, Mars Attacks!
I did say that, but nothing I ever told you was true.
That guy was already up there when I got here.
Deadpool, after telling Colossus that nobody's getting hurt, Deadpool
It was a difficult time. I did all that I could to protect my House and then other members of Court in attendance. More's the pity that I could not save that usurping, traitorous bitch.
Lara Raith in one of her blunter moments, White Night
My eyes settled on their dining room table. There was a stack of money, wrapped with a paper band just as the money in the lunchbox had been. Beside the money, plain as day, was the dark gray metal of a handgun.
My attention caught by the gun, I only barely caught my dad's question. 'What are they like?'
'They seem like good people.'
'She's my friend.'
'Was,'I said. 'It's a big difference.'
Sundancer looked at the mound of ice, rock and forcefields. Echidna was thrusting her clawed hands through the barriers, only for them to be reinforced.
'Are there... does she have anyone inside her?'
'There's-' Tattletale started. I flew a bug into her mouth and down her throat, and she choked.
'No,' I lied. 'I've been keeping track with my bugs. Weld and the others got everyone out.'
Saved everyone they could. If Weld had backed out and nobody else was able to free the small handful that were still trapped, that was it.
Nobody was correcting me. They knew, but they weren’t correcting me.
Wedge: We'll need a wheeled transport, one of the flatcam units our pursuers are carrying, and four sets of women's clothing.
Hobbie: Boss, please tell me you're not putting us in women's clothing.
Wedge: Very well. I'm not putting us in women's clothing.
(In the next chapter, the four pilots are in women's clothing)
Hobbie: You lied to me.
Wedge: I did. With my brilliant achievements in the diplomatic profession has come the realization that lies can be powerful motivators.
Hobbie: My faith is shattered.
Wedge: You knew, when I said we needed four sets of women's clothing, that we were going to end up in them. You knew. So any hopes you had to the contrary were just self-delusion.
Hobbie: I understand that. But I'd rather blame you than me.
Live-Action TV
Sometimes the truth hurts. In these situations, I recommend lying.
Shcherbina: Why did I see graphite on the roof? Graphite is only found in the core where it's used as a neutron flux modulator, (addressing Legasov) correct?
Bryukhanov: (looks at Shcherbina with an 'Oh, fuck!' sort of facial expression, then turns to Fomin) Fomin, why did the Deputy Chairman see graphite on the roof?
Fomin: Well, that... that can't be. Comrade Shcherbina, my apologies, but graphite... that's not possible. Perhaps you saw burnt concrete?
Shcherbina: Now there, you made a mistake, because I may not know much about nuclear reactors, but I know a lot about concrete.
I'll just go in this police box and arrest myself.
The Doctor, whose spaceship resembles a police box, Doctor Who
The Doctor: I don't suppose you've completely ignored my instructions and secretly prepared any Nitro-9, have you?
Ace: What if I had?
The Doctor: Naturally, you wouldn't do anything so insanely dangerous as to carry it around with you, would you?
Ace: Of course not. I'm a good girl, I do what I'm told.
The Doctor: Excellent. Blow up that vehicle.
Ace: (delighted grin)
Dougal: Why didn't you lie to him?
Ted: I did! I told him great big massive lies with feckin' bells hanging off them!
CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT UP... for one fucking minute? I'm asking nicely.
The truth.
Patrick Kielty, answering 'Unlikely Things to Hear in a TV Election Debate', Mock the Week
I just want us to be friends.
Randall Flynn, a man who says this twice to people who came to wish they never made a deal with him, and his definition of 'friend' is quite twisted, Revolution, 'The Children's Crusade'
Matt: A mercy-killing, she'd call it.
Joe: So when did you find out about this? I mean, when did you know that this had happened?
(Cut to Matt and the rest of the group staring in horror at the livestream of Jennifer forcing poison into Harry's mouth)
Matt: Wipe and destroy everything. Okay? Everything! Now, go!
Genesis P-Orridge: Uh, we're Throbbing Gristle, and we'd just like to make a small announcement: all the sounds you hear tonight are generated live as we're playing, there are no prepared backing tapes and no Revoxes.
(tape plays)
Tape: Uh, we're Throbbing Gristle, and we'd just like to make a small announcement: all the sounds you hear tonight are generated live as we're playing, there are no prepared backing tapes and no Revoxes.
Newspaper Comics
Please excuse Calvin from class today. His genius is urgently required on a top secret matter of national security.
Sincerely, The President.
P.S. Really.
— A letter given to Mrs. Wormwood, Calvin and Hobbes
Dilbert: Why have you ignored my request, Ted?
Ted: I was killed by a squadron of giant military squirrels.
Wally: He doesn't respect you enough to tell a plausible lie.
Dilbert: I demand a plausible lie!
Ted: Okay, maybe I wasn't killed by giant military squirrels. But I was imprisoned in their secret lair at the center of the earth.
Wally: You can't prove that one either way.
Dilbert: He did say it was a 'secret' lair.
Stand-Up Comedy
Cop: What's going on, sir? You seem to be injured.
Uncle Donnie: Oh, this! I got to tell you, some fucking psycho just cut my fucking hand off and made limb stew out of those three mutilated fuckers floating around the boat, here. He's swimming that way if you want to fucking catch the bastard.
Cop: Sir, have you been drinking?
Uncle Donnie: I had a few chardonnays, what of it?
Cop: You're going to have to come with us.
Uncle Donnie: Alright, Sherlock Holmes, I killed them. But, you'll never catch me 'cuz I'm the fastest fucking butterfly swimmer in the fucking world!
Adam Sandler, 'The Psychotic Legend of Uncle Donnie'
Zozo? Never heard of it.
— A thief standing by the entrance of Zozo, Final Fantasy VI
Maurice Chavez: Mr. Shrub, you got elected on a campaign promising to reduce taxes to zero. But under your stewardship, we've seen taxes go up by 20% and services decline!
Alex Shrub: No one is interested in your statistics, Chavez. Let me tell you something pal, I'm better than that. I will not — I shall not — I cannot stoop to your level! They assured me that this was a show that understood politics, where we can debate mano-a-mano. And I find myself having statistics hurled at me like so much stale confetti. We cannot boil people down to numbers!
Hello i am in braille
— A book translated from Morse Code, A Super Mario Bros X Thing
Jade: Well now... I'll just ask him a little about Mt. Roneal... Please wait outside, everyone.
(everyone is outside, with Jade alone with Dist in the room)
Jade: ...
Dist: (while the ground is shaking) ... AAAAAAHHH!! S-stop! Stop! You're killing me!! Jade, I'm sorryyyyyy!!!
Jade: (comes out alone, completely deadpan) It seems the earthquakes have led to more frequent avalanches. Also, an extremely powerful monster has taken up residence in the deeper parts. The monsters in the area have likely grown aggressive due to at influence.
Luke: O-okay... Um, about that scream just now...
Jade: Oh, that was nothing. Now let's be going.
Luke: Right...
There's a limit, even to obvious lies.
Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu: Let's talk about you, instead. Yes, you are a little too comfortable with lying.
Marisa Kirisame: That isn't true. I haven't told a single lie since I was born.
Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Suddenly, I noticed that Picky was gone. I blame the cops... it certainly wasn't my fault at all.
Tomodachi life zozo lyrics
I'm not going to stick my butt out or anything, though.
Obviously-Not-Warmech, '8-Bit Theater', 'The Ol' 180'
Maura: Hey, babe. Where've you been?
Clango: Nowhere! I briefly ceased to exist in time and space!
Maura: That doesn't sound suspicious at all.
Antimony: Hello. I would like to enter, please.
Doorbot: Robots onl... what's that on your head?
Antimony: These are my antennas, because I am clearly a robot.
Doorbot: Oh! Well... it's true that some robots have antennas... hmm...
Antimony: Also, robots never lie.
Doorbot: Hey, you're right! Come on in, friends!
Antimony: We are looking for a particular robot. A... fellow robot. Because we are also robots.
Doorbot: Administration is right down that way.
Reynardine: Your powers of deception and trickery are bewildering, child.
Soldier: Come on, guys? Why would I lie? We're all Americans here!
Ms. Pauling: Well, not all of us, obviously. I mean, Medic's German and Heavy's from Russ-
Medic: (kaf)
Heavy: (nudge nudge)
Ms. Pauling: Ow! What? Oh.
Heavy: Ha ha! Germany! Russia! Is big joke! Big American joke on Soldier!
Soldier: Ha! You got me!
Heavy: Ohh, America, it is the place I am from. All the time.
Susan's Logic: Look, I've got nothing. Now deny everything to Diane.
Susan: I was thinking about baseball.
Diane: No you weren't.
Susan: Congrats, Sherlock.
Web Original
Evan: I wonder who you are.
Jon: I'm, uh, Mario.
Azura: Mario has the PAWNCH?

Tomodachi Life Zozo Song


Tomodachi Life Rom

: Mario has a poncho. He's, uh, from Mexico.
Azura: Sweet.
AshleyZozo: Or is he from Spain?
Jon: Ethnic minority Mario! Collect them all!
ProtonJon and his friends, waiting for the next match to begin
Zero Punctuation, part of the end credits in for Tomodachi Life
Cloud: We're actually looking for a man. Black cape, silver hair, giant sword...
Cait Sith: Oh, you mean Sephiroth?
Cloud: Yeah, have you seen him?!
Cait Sith: No, who is that?
'I have received several urgent Facebook messages and Twitter DMs from a vague yet menacinggovernment agency, asking me to deliver the following message: 'Briny depths'. They said that there was nothing secret or important about the message, and that it was certainly not related to any ongoing deep undercover operations that they can only communicate with using codewords subtly buried in local radio broadcasts. It wasn't anything crazy like that, they just think it would be cool to hear me say 'Briny depths'. 'Do your deepest, smoothest voice,' they said. 'Really sell it. Really give it your all. It would make us so happy. Please, it's our birthday! Oh, did we not mention? It's totally our birthday. Alright, in your best voice, say it: 'Briny depths'.'
Woman: Ooh a puppy!
Man: Careful, he has a knife!
Puppy:[holding a knife] Wh-what what???? N-no, no I don’t...
Western Animation
Superintendent Chalmers: Why is there smoke coming out of your oven, Seymour?
Principal Skinner:Uhhh, oh! That isn't smoke! It's steam! Steam from the steamed clams we're having! Mmmm, steamed clams!
Chalmers: You know, these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have at Krusty Burger.
Seymour: Ohoho, no! Patented Skinner burgers! Old family recipe!
Chalmers: For 'steamed hams'.
Seymour: Yes!
Seymour: Yeah, and you call them steamed hams despite the fact they are obviously grilled.
Chalmers: (spots Skinner's burning kitchen) Good Lord! What is happening in there?!
Skinner: Aurora Borealis.
Chalmers: A-Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day?! In this part of the country?! LOCALIZED ENTIRELY WITHIN YOUR KITCHEN?!
Skinner: Yes.
Chalmers: (beat) May I see it?

Tomodachi Life Zozo

Real Life
If you saw a bullet hit a bird and he told you he wasn't shot, you might weep at his courtesy, but you would certainly doubt his word.
Bullshit is a greater enemy of the truth than lies are.


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Tomodachi Collection
13 Trivia
In the Japanese version of Tomodachi Life, the Age-o-matic item worked differently, as it only temporarily turned a child Mii into an adult Mii. It is only permanent when used on child couples or mixed adult and child couples who want to marry, and the effect gets immediately cancelled when they divorce.
In the International versions of the game, this was changed so that the effect becomes permanent when used. Because of this, the Kid-o-matic item was created exclusively for the international versions as a way to reverse the effects of the Age-o-matic. (and allowing adult Miis to become children)
When a Mii gets a letter from someone asking them to go to the roof, one of the things that the Mii in disguise says is 'Our Princess is in another castle.', a clear reference to Super Mario Bros.

Tomodachi Life Zozo Lyrics

As Miis are able to play a Wii U, sounds from the Wii U games Nintendo Land and Game & Wario can be heard.
After the controversy involving the inability to have same gender relationships in 'Tomodachi Life', Nintendo later responded by saying that if the game were to get a sequel, same-sex relationships will most likely be included.
In the Japanese version of 'Tomodachi Life', between 8:00 pm and 12:00 pm, a married couple can sometimes be seen taking a bath together in their bathroom, sometimes with their child. This scene was removed from all localized versions of the game.
In the original Japanese release, the daily donations are collected in a wooden box, whereas in the western versions they're collected in a silver piggy bank.
##Nintendo## made a commercial using Tomodachi Life's Concert Hall feature to celebrate the announcement of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask coming to 3DS.
In the Japanese release there is an event that can be seen at the Fountain called 'Shiritori', in which a category will be chosen at the beginning of the game, such as general word association or food association. Two Miis will then come up with words which begins with the final kana of the previous word, and if either Mii repeats a word that has already been said, they will automatically lose.
The North American version of the game replaces this event with one called 'Rap Battle', in which two Miis try to insult each other in rhymes until one of them cannot come up with a rhyme.
The European versions not only contain the 'Rap Battle' event, but also an English version of the 'Shiritori' event called ' Word Chain', where instead of coming up with words that begins with the final kana of the previous word, two Miis have to come up with words that begin with the letter that the previous word ended with.
The Plane (Nintendo 3DS Image Share) and the Observation Tower were created exclusively for the International release of the game, with the Observation Tower serving the role originally used by the Mii Apartments rooftop in the Japanese release.
The shop keepers that run the various shops have different appearances depending on the regional version of the game. The Japanese version of the game features shop keepers with Kabuki stage hand (Kuroko) masks, in the American version they have wooden block heads, in the European versions they have robot heads, and in the Korean version they are wearing a yellow racing helmet.
The music that plays in the Café area are the songs that Miis can learn in the Japan-only Nintendo DS installment 'Tomodachi Collection'. In the Japanese version of the game, lyrics (taken directly from 'Tomodachi Collection') can be heard during each song. In the international versions of the game, the instrumentals for each song were kept, but lyrics were removed.
Before the game was released internationally, many international players thought that a patch in the Japanese version fixed a glitch that had unintentionally made gay marriages possible for Miis, causing fans to complain about this feature being removed, while in actuality, Nintendo was simply fixing a data transfer issue that corrupted save data and prevented people from progressing after they transferred Mii characters from the Japan-only Nintendo DS installment 'Tomodachi Collection'.
Gay marriages are able to be performed in Tomodachi Life due to the ability to create Miis that have the appearance of Miis of the opposite gender. While many have complained of the inability to have same gender relationships in Tomodachi Life, Nintendo has refrained from including the feature, explaining that the game is not to be looked at as though it is a 'simulation' of real life.
In the Japanese version of the game, there are only 6 genres of music that Miis can sing: Rock & Roll, Pop, Enka (Japanese traditional song), Opera, Heavy Metal and Rap. The International versions of the game removed the Enka genre while and adding 3 more: Ballad, Techno and Musical.